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Fairmont Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten

Time: 09:10 / Sunrise: 06:00 / Sunset: 18:50

Hamburg 20354, Neuer Jungfernstieg 9-14, City Centre, Germany

rates* from 300 USD / night


Hotel Group Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
Accolades 2 Michelin Stars
Rates* per Night from 300 USD
Opening Year 1897
Renovation Year 2014
Floors 5
Celebrities King of Saudi Arabia


Total Guest Rooms 156
Rooms 126
Suites 30
Smallest Bedroom 25 m² / 269 ft²
Largest Bedroom 260 m² / 2798 ft²


Spa/Wellness 500 m² / 5381 ft²
Treatment Areas 5


Restaurants 3


2 Michelin Stars, City, Fitness, Grand Hotel, Historic, Hotel Legends, Lake, Sauna, Smoke Free, Spa, Steam


Hamburg Airport 8.32 Km away
Hamburg-Finkenwerder Airport 10.55 Km away
Lübeck Blankensee Airport 55.39 Km away
Neumünster Airport 58.34 Km away
Nordholz Naval Airbase 90.94 Km away
Kiel-Holtenau Airport 92.16 Km away
Bremerhaven Airport 93.92 Km away
Heide-Büsum Airport 97.6 Km away
Bremen Airport 97.99 Km away


Destination Information

Colonnaden 0.06 Km away
20th Century Press Archives 0.18 Km away
Hamburg State Opera 0.21 Km away
Oper am Gänsemarkt 0.22 Km away
Gänsemarkt 0.23 Km away
Jungfernstieg station 0.23 Km away
Binnenalster 0.24 Km away
Alsterhaus 0.28 Km away
Jungfernstieg 0.29 Km away
Stephansplatz, Hamburg 0.3 Km away
Gänsemarkt station 0.3 Km away
Stephansplatz station (Hamburg U-Bahn) 0.37 Km away
Große Bleichen 0.37 Km away
Ohnsorg-Theater 0.38 Km away
Ballindamm 0.45 Km away
Donner & Reuschel 0.47 Km away
Thalia Theater (Hamburg) 0.48 Km away
Opernloft 0.54 Km away
Great fire of Hamburg 0.54 Km away
Emporio (Hamburg) 0.54 Km away
Rathausmarkt 0.55 Km away
Bombing of Hamburg in World War II 0.55 Km away
Neustadt, Hamburg 0.57 Km away
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology 0.57 Km away
Europa Passage 0.58 Km away
Trams in Hamburg 0.6 Km away
Hamburg City Hall 0.6 Km away
Hamburg Dammtor station 0.6 Km away
Rathaus station (Hamburg U-Bahn) 0.61 Km away
Neuer Wall 0.62 Km away
Hamburg-Mitte 0.62 Km away
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce 0.66 Km away
Hamburg Stock Exchange 0.66 Km away
Church of Saint Peter, Hamburg 0.67 Km away
Der Hamburger und Germania Ruder Club 0.68 Km away
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Platz 0.68 Km away
Radio Hamburg 0.69 Km away
Dammtor 0.71 Km away
Laeiszhalle 0.71 Km away
Mönckebergstraße 0.71 Km away
Bucerius Law School 0.72 Km away
Bishop's Tower 0.74 Km away
Hamburger Kunsthalle 0.76 Km away
Congress Center Hamburg 0.77 Km away
Bust of Alessandro Peretti di Montalto 0.78 Km away
Eurofurence 0.78 Km away
Stadthausbrücke station 0.79 Km away
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law 0.8 Km away
Mönckebergstraße station 0.82 Km away
Internationale Gartenbauausstellung 73 0.82 Km away
Alter Botanischer Garten Hamburg 0.82 Km away
St. Mary's Cathedral, Hamburg 0.83 Km away
Segelclub Rhe 0.83 Km away
Siege of Hamburg 0.83 Km away
Norddeutscher Regatta Verein 0.83 Km away
Hamburger Segel-Club 0.83 Km away
Schnitger organ (Hamburg) 0.83 Km away
Spitalerstraße 0.83 Km away
Altstadt, Hamburg 0.84 Km away
Hamburg 0.84 Km away
St. James' Church, Hamburg 0.84 Km away
Rödingsmarkt station 0.87 Km away
Neue Burg (Hamburg) 0.87 Km away
Afrikahaus (Hamburg) 0.88 Km away
Miramar-Haus 0.89 Km away
Hotel Atlantic Hamburg 0.89 Km away
St. Nicholas Church, Hamburg 0.91 Km away
Sievekingplatz 0.91 Km away
Fleetstreet 0.92 Km away
Hamburg University Archive 0.95 Km away
Ernst-Merck-Halle 0.96 Km away
Das Schiff 1.0 Km away
Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht 1.0 Km away
Messehallen station 1.01 Km away
Hamburg Hauptbahnhof 1.03 Km away
Grimm 31 1.03 Km away
Grimm (Hamburg) 1.04 Km away
Church of Saint John of Kronstadt (Hamburg) 1.05 Km away
Katharinenstraße 9 1.05 Km away
Brahms Museum (Hamburg) 1.09 Km away
Composers Quarter Hamburg 1.09 Km away
Deichstraße 1.1 Km away
St. Catherine's Church, Hamburg 1.1 Km away
Gustav Mahler Museum 1.1 Km away
Fanny & Felix Mendelssohn Museum 1.1 Km away
Johann Adolph Hasse Museum 1.1 Km away
Telemann Museum 1.1 Km away
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Museum 1.1 Km away
Krameramtsstuben 1.13 Km away
Steinstraße station 1.13 Km away
Cremon 1.14 Km away
Nikolaifleet 1.15 Km away
Deutsches Schauspielhaus 1.15 Km away
St. Michael's Church, Hamburg 1.16 Km away
The Fontenay 1.17 Km away
Cotton made in Africa 1.19 Km away
Markthalle Hamburg 1.2 Km away
Kontorhaus District 1.23 Km away
Speicherstadtrathaus 1.25 Km away
Timeline of Hamburg 1.25 Km away

* The rate displayed is of an indicative nature, actual rates may vary.

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